Friday, March 6, 2009

Alyssa's Update

Yesterday Dr. Winter came in and gave us the whole run down on all of the meds/chemo she will be getting to kick this cancer. He is taking the least traumatic path for her and they are going to watch her close. Last night she started the Chemo and she was pretty dang scared. I can't say I blame her. She knows this is necessary but the side effects - if she gets them - are fairly daunting to anyone but I can't imagine for a 14 year old. She wanted us to take her home. I so wish I could have. I would have LOVED to. But I'd also LOVE to see my happy, healthy, fiesty teenager back. All the wonderful care, support and spoiling she's been receiving can't replace what she'd love to be doing - leading a normal life. I get a lump in my throat just thinking about it. She met with the teen group last night and the Chemo sort of took center stage so I didn't get to hear much about it. I'm sure I will find out today. I am hoping to keep it a sort of quiet day with very little visitors etc. IF she is going to have the side effects the Dr. said it would be today.
I'm still hoping they are minimal but you never know. IF she tolerates the drugs ok she gets to come home Sat which is better than Dr. Winter's original reply when asked - He said EARLY next week ! Yuck.
Prayer requests - please pray for Nik who is really having a tough time with the upheaval of his life. I never really realized how much he likes routine and "our normal life" . He is very stressed out and cranky from all this. Last night we just came home and hung for a little while with the babies which was great and then we came in, did a few things and went to bed. We all needed the rest badly and I think the late nights and early mornings of running to ABQ are getting to the kids.
Praise reports - Thank you LORD for Grandma offering to stay with Alyssa last night so mom, dad and kids could have some time. Grandma is a 30 year cancer survivor. She's been thru this and can probably understand what Alyssa is going thru better than any of us. She is awesome and has been a great companion to Alyssa and I thru this as well as just being there as a sounding board and of course her experience has made her uniquely equipped to help us all cope. She has good sound advice for surviving this intact - all of us!!!!!
Again Thank you Val for the AWESOME Boston Market Dinner you sent to us last night. It was all good and we ate ourselves silly and had some to share. Our refrige is full of leftover too so we know that Aaron has something to take to work for lunch also!
I am sure I'm forgetting someone or something - your kindness has not gone unnoticed, my brain is a little fuzzy at time from stress and lack of sleep so I don't always get folks who deserve Thanks recognized. But we do appreciate all you all have done!!!!!

1 comment:

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

How wonderful for Aly that her friends were there to help lift her up, make her smile, listen and just be there for her before the really tough stuff started.

How amazingly blessed your family is for all those friends and family wrapping you in their arms and caring for you so you don't have to worry about all the littel details and can just focus on your daughter.
What a blessing for Grandma, too. How wonderful that she he there for Aly during this confusing and scary time. I'm sure she is a rock for Aly now.

Thinking of you guys and saying prayers for Alyssa,
