Sunday, January 4, 2009

H is for Helping Hands

This post is a tribute to my family. I know it appears that sometimes I run a one woman show around here but that couldn't be farther from the truth. These hands belong to my precious hubby and 3 awesome children and I can say that with out them - CBFNigerians would be non existent. These hands help me build shelters, milk stands, and websites, repair fences, clean pens, feed animals, play with babies, show, water, milk and many other things that I can't even remember. I have the best, most supportive, helpful family there is......though I'm sure many of you feel the same about your families!!!!! So here is a big THANK YOU to the wonderful helping hands that are my support team. This awesome crew is even willing to take on the running of CBF if I am to get my judges license in the summer this year. That will be a huge undertaking I know and they are willing to help me out because they know this is a dream of mine!!!!

1 comment:

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

What a Happy post about your Human family, D!

Hip Hip Hooray for your beautiful family, especially your Husband!
