Monday, November 12, 2007

Looking Forward

I wish I could post a picture here but we put down a deposit on a new buckling who will be born this spring. This is a dream come true for me. I fell in love with the sire when I saw him as a junior buck and blew my chance at owning one of his sons. NOW, I'm just going for it. We want to name him Captain Kidd (after one of the first known pirates). I am not giving away any more information about this buck as it will be a surprise. (HOPE I can keep my mouth shut until after March when he's due). We are praying hard for one out of our first choice doe but either second or third would be fine too!! We are looking forward to this buck doing big things for our herd. I did almost have a weakened moment where I threw caution to the wind and bought my third choice doe bred to the sire. YEAH, if somone drops $400 in my lap tomorrow, I'm leaving to pick her up!!! In the meantime, the buck is what we are going for here. I don't really need another doe! And we are hoping for several keepers this coming year!

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