Every year we look forward to our local Bosque Farms fair. It is a blast. Doesn't mean much but just some good clean country fun! We took several items, showed goats and chickens and overall did REALLY well. Tiny Shihara won 1st in both 4H and Open division as well as taking RESERVE champion over a class of does way bigger and older than her. Judge was very impressed with that little doe. Alyssa also did Champion Showmanship with her. Nik did 3rd and 2nd with "Chicki". Suzy took 2nd with Skye in Open (not old enough for 4H). Joie took 1st in Milking does OPEN and Best of Breed. Entei the buck took 3rd but the judge said that was a real hard class to place as all three bucks were very nice - she had positive comments for Entei's dairyness, wide Escutcheon, strong legs and wideness throughout. Nik entered his Banty Cochin pair and won 1st for 4H and one of his Buff Orpingtons, she also took first. Indoors Alyssa did 1st for earrings she beaded, 2nd for a drawing, 1st for a knitted scarf. Nik did 2nd for his Stilts he made and mommy did 1st for the woven shawl i made, 1st for my crocheted hat, and 2nd for the beaded bracelet. All in all it was a great experience and a good time was had by one and all!!
This is our fun outlet before the "seriousness" of County Fairy.