Thursday, January 26, 2012

sometimes during the winter I just like to take some time to reflect on the year that's behind and think about the year that might be ahead.  Winter, the lull in goat stuff.  Everyone is bred that needs to be bred, two more does will go in with their intended bucks but for now they are still enjoying being carefree babies.  I still have two does milking which, compared to last year when we had no milk (really chaps my hide to feed 8 goats and get no milk) at this time.  We also had no eggs last year at this time and this year we are steadily getting around 4 or more a day.  I love thinking about babies that are coming but at the same time am grateful that there isn't so much work to be done right now......Just enjoy the slower pace of life on the mini-farm.  I am dreaming right now about the garden for the year - what will we plant?  Oh so many things on the list!!! I do see the green tops of the garlic planted in November peeking through the dirt. Lots of garlic. And because of the modern wonder of row cover  - we are still picking a bit of greens and root crops. Not much but every little bit helps.  yes, it's a little piece of heaven here at times.  I love the work and fast pace but love the winter slow months too.  Gives me time to catch my breath.  Of course, there is soap to be made, some scarves to felt, maybe a little sewing, knitting, crocheting and finishing up projects that took a back seat to the business of babies, milking, and all that comes with that - cheese, soap, yogurt, canning, gardening etc. 

Yes, I look forward to attending a few shows, being on 305 DHI for the 2nd year in a row and getting our herd Linear Appraised in Sept.  I look forward to looking out my back window and watching this year's kid crops bouncing, playing, snuggling with their mommas....but for now I will enjoy the dreams, because the reality is that the insanity of it all is right around the corner, less than 2 months away.....

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